Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dress for Success during your Presentations!

When giving a business presentation, one key area to pay attention to is wardrobe. Dressing for success is a very accurate guideline for giving presentations. The way you look tells the audience a lot and sends many messages about your personality. Looking professional is a great way to increase your confidence and your credibility with the audience. The following tips will help make sure you dress properly for your next business presentation.

  • Comfort is Key- Wear something you feel comfortable in and that you can move around in. Avoid anything too tight as it is distracting.
  • Dress Appropriately- Dress for your body type, don't wear anything revealing. Also, go for a looser fit, it can have a slimming effect.
  • Color- If possible, dress in a color that complements your speaking stage. Wear colors that complement your physical features.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Importance of Citing Sources during a Presentation!

When giving a business presentation the speaker will often call upon information from outside sources. The speaker simply cannot only rely on their own knowledge. Researching and using information from outside sources is a great way to increase your credibility and strengthen your main points. However, when using outside information from other sources, it is important to cite correctly. Plagiarism is a major issue and should always be avoided. The following tips will help in properly citing sources during a presentation.

  • Quote the source- Make sure the audience understands who the source is and where the quote begins and ends.
  • Paraphrase- Whenever you put someone else's words into your own, always give credit to the source.
  • Multiple Sources- The more support you can offer for your point, the more credible your argument and source will be.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Tips on Overcoming Audience Boredom during a Presentation

Giving a business presentation can be very exciting for the speaker, but the audience can often get bored and lose interest. Holding the interest of your audience is one of the major challenges during a presentation. Once the attention level of the audience begins to drop, all of the important points and ideas within your presentation can go unnoticed. The tips below will help ensure that the audience stays interested and aware of what your presentation is all about.

  • Repetition- Repeat key phrases and ideas to build audience awareness of the ideas.
  • Surprises- Surprising or startling your audience will certainly keep them interested and awake.
  • Use Short Stories- Relating ideas to stories not only helps with audience memory but the audience appreciates your efforts more.

With the help of these techniques, your audience will not only be more focused but will retain more of your overall message.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

What Makes a Good PowerPoint Slide?

PowerPoint presentations are often a key to a successful presentation. One critical area of using PowerPoint during your presentation is having a good design and slide layout. Your audience can completely miss the message behind the PowerPoint if the slide is poorly arranged. Below are some helpful tips on creating the best slide layout possible.


  • Be Appropriate- Make sure that your slide layout and design is appropriate for the information and setting of the presentation. Know the situation so your design is appropriate and fitting.
  • Keep it Simple- The best designs are those that keep it more simple. The more complex the slide, the greater the chance of your audience being distracted or even getting lost. Do not make your slides too busy.
  • Size is Key- Ensure that text and visuals can be seen by everyone in the room.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Presenting an Award-Properly Recognizing Someone for a Job Well Done!

At some point in your career you may be asked to present an award to a fellow worker. Awards are very important and are given to those who have been tremendously successful in the workplace for one reason or another. The task of presenting an award is an honor and can be easy with the help of the following tips.

  • First, explain what the award is for and why it is important.
  • Comment on the tradition behind the award or history.
  • Tell the audience why the person was chosen for the award.

However, there are also some Do's and Don'ts you must pay attention to.

  • Do- Tell a story to illustrate the awards importance and the success of the recipient.
  • Don't- Stand so that the audience can't see you or the award.

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Importance of Speaking Globally

The business world of today reaches to all areas of the world. Employees and clients are often from different cultures and because of this look at communication differently. It is the responsibility of the speaker to properly address their audience in a way that is understood and respectful of all cultures globally. One error in communication during a presentation could result in millions lost and the destruction of international relationships. The following tips are helpful in ensuring proper global communication during presentations.

  • Simplify Your Content- Speak slowly and use simple sentences. Avoid confusing or complex pronouns.
  • Avoid Jargon- Familiar figures of speech can be offensive to other cultures, avoid these common sayings.
  • Limit Ethnocentric References- Don't reference sports that may not have worldwide appeal.
  • Be Aware of Values- Respect the values and lifestyles of other cultures when speaking.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Stress Overload! Calming Nerves before a Presentation

Business presentations can be a severe source of stress for many employees. The idea of speaking in front of a group of people can for some result in fear and anxiety and because of this a poor overall presentation. However, presentations are part of the working world and everyone will have to give them at some point. Below are some helpful tips on how to calm the anxiety that comes with giving presentations and how to reduce the stress of public speaking.

  • Prepare thoroughly- Know your material well so you avoid pausing or drawing a blank.
  • Eat properly- Don't go in hungry or too full to a presentation.
  • Breathe calmly- Breathe slowly and deeply before beginning, smile as well.

Successful Speech during the Presentation

    Apart from the visual aids and other technology, nothing is more important during a professional presentation than the speech itself. Through the words of the speaker, a relationship and trust is formed with the audience. Once this relationship is established, the audience will be much more likely to understand and listen to your message. The following tips are ways to ensure that your speech during a presentation is as effective as possible.

  • Be personable- Welcome the audience warmly, shake hands and smile as your start your presentation.
  • Get to know the audience- Small talk is ok, put them at ease!
  • Speak from the heart- Put passion and conviction into your words. Show you care about your presentation topic.
  • Involve the audience- Ask questions, look for suggestions, keep them interested!
  • Communicate clearly- Speak so the audience can understand you.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

PowerPoint- Unleashing the Power, Avoiding the Pitfalls

In the workplace today, PowerPoint is a vital part of any good presentation. Through PowerPoint, information can more easily be displayed for the audience. Below are a few guidelines for business PowerPoint presentations. A full list can be found at Presentation Training.

  • Use Key Phrases about Your Topic- Don't make slides too crowded.
  • Slide Layout Should be Simple- The audience should be able to easily read and follow each slide.
  • Avoid All Punctuation Errors and Capital Letters- Errors reduce credibility and capital letters make it seem like your shouting at the audience.
  • Avoid Fancy Fonts- Stick to a basic and easy to read font. Simple is best.
  • Use Photos, Charts, and Graphs- Including visuals on your slides can clarify points and increase audience interest.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Master the Podium- Six Tips for Success with Presentations

In the business world, giving a presentation is a very important skill to master. Through presentations, you are able to inform your audience, explain key concepts, and show your skills as an employee. The following tips will help ensure success during presentations.

Tip 1- Know the Material- When you know the material you are covering, you increase your credibility and the level of trust from the audience. Do not procrastinate, research and read as much as you can, and always practice. Practice truly makes perfect.
Tip 2- Assess the Goal- As the speaker you must always make sure that you understand the goal of the presentation and follow that goal as you speak. Make sure that as you speak, you do not stray from the overall goal or get off track. A helpful hint is to keep an outline with you as you speak.